Canceled - Debra Hetzel Watercolor Workshop (May 2020) — Whitewater Arts Alliance

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Debra Hetzel “Spring Flowers” Watercolor Workshop - May 2020

Debra Hetzel Poster1.jpg

Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm, including a 1-hour lunch break

Cost: $50.00 per person

Location: 402 W. Main Whitewater, WI 53190 (Cultural Arts Center) An elevator is available when entering the building from the parking lot entrance.

Registration Deadline: April 26th at 5:00pm. After April 26th, registration is $75.00 until all slots are filled.


Get Inspired for Spring with Debra Hetzel!

On May 30th, 2020, the Whitewater Arts Alliance will be hosting a one-day watercolor workshop called “Spring Flowers” with Debra Hetzel in the Cultural Arts Center. 

An Artist Statement and Background from Hetzel: “I enjoy all kinds of art making, but one type of art that I lose myself in is transparent watercolor. Though I keep a sketchbook in my purse and my camera at the ready for any opportunity to capture an idea, I still find spending time with my brushes, watercolor palette, container of water, and paper peaceful and enjoyable.  

Usually my subject matter is flowers, but they are not sketched out until after the first layer of color. Sometimes I mask out areas, more often I paint in the negative spaces. As a transparent watercolorist I need to “save” the whites, and light areas. I will use my large collection of floral photographs, or paint outside right in front of the blooms for inspiration. 

As a member of several art groups, I have been a part of shows in which the artists are encouraged to create works following a theme. Something about creating a variety of work on one theme is natural to me. In more recent years my work seems to evolve around a theme I develop, or I may paint several works in a series.

I began my teaching career with a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and Health Education and spent a little more than five years teaching in that area. After a few years working as a stay-at-home mom, I went back to school for a second bachelor’s degree in Art Education, and have taught art over fifteen years. In that time I also earned a master’s degree in visual studies. 

Since retiring from teaching I have started my own business called “Follow Your Heart” in which I give art lessons or lead painting parties. Also included in my company is teaching yoga practices and leading yoga & art workshops.  I am a registered yoga instructor with my 200 hour certificate. It is a lot of fun! I’ve had groups of all ages and mixed ages, family and friends. 

I am a Wisconsin native and grew up in Wauwatosa, a suburb of Milwaukee.  Now I call Lake Mills home for part of the year and Scottsdale, Arizona home for the other part of the year. I am painting, teaching classes, and showing my paintings in both places!”

Registration Form


Contact: Taylor McDarison at or at (262) 472 - 0204