Caryl Yasko Public Art Fund

The Prairie Tillers Mural, corner of Center and Whitewater Streets, Whitewater, WI

Whitewater resident Caryl Yasko is featured in a documentary titled, “Pioneering Women Muralists of Hyde Park.” The film features the history of public art in Chicago’s Hyde Park and highlights the five most prominent women muralists in Chicago Public Art Group’s history, including Caryl.

Whitewater’s nationally known artist, Caryl Yasko, was a founding member and a pioneering woman artist of the Chicago Mural Group.  She has designed murals, concrete sculptures, and creations such as a Windmill and a Flagpole installation in schools, and towns. She painted an award-winning mural titled Under City Stone in a Chicago underpass.  Her projects always attract and welcome public participation, from design to creation to the dedication day.

Caryl’s Whitewater project, The Prairie Tillers Mural at the corner of Center and Whitewater Streets, is a treasured local landmark.  This mural led to the creation of the Whitewater Arts Alliance, of which Caryl is a founding member. 

Caryl’s emotionally compelling work is praised for its strong compositions and use of color. She has won numerous awards, is published internationally, featured in films and has held over 50 artist-in-residence positions.

“We started the mural movement because we believed that art should be available to everyone,” Yasko said. “We broke the barrier between the artist and the viewer and collaborated with people on the street and in communities to reflect what they wanted to say about what was important to them.”

To encourage public art in Whitewater and ensure projects like The Prairie Tillers are maintained into the future, the Caryl Yasko Public Art Fund has been established.  We invite you to be a part of this new fund.

Public art unites communities, beautifies the landscape, expresses shared values, reflects our common history and unites communities.  Celebrate Caryl’s long career in public art and help provide for maintenance and future projects by contributing to the fund. 

All contributions are tax deductible. Thank you for your consideration and generosity.

How to Give

Gifts by check may be made payable to Whitewater Arts Alliance and mailed to Whitewater Arts Alliance, PO Box 311, Whitewater, WI 53190, or dropped off at the Cultural Arts Center Gallery at 402 W. Main Street, Whitewater, WI, during posted gallery exhibit hours. Please notate on your check “Caryl Yasko Public Art Fund”.

Gifts by credit card, debit card, or PayPal account may be made by clicking on the “Donate” button below within the “Caryl Yasko Public Art Fund” box on this page.

Total Raised So Far:


Note: The amount raised in the donation button section of this page only includes online donations and not those received by check or cash.

Thank you for your generous support.

Under City Stone, Hyde Park, IL

The Stonecutters, Lemont, IL


  • Press Release: Coming Soon