1st Annual Paint Wisconsin Juried Exhibition:
A Tribute to Marilyn Fuerstenberg
Call for Art
Thursday, July 31, 2025 – Thursday, September 11, 2025
Whitewater Arts Alliance Cultural Arts Center Gallery,
Downtown Whitewater, WI
Roberta’s Art Gallery,
UW-Whitewater Campus, Whitewater, WI
Call for Art
Please read the following Prospectus and click the button at the bottom of the page to enter.
Submissions Open: January 17, 2025 - Submissions are NOW OPEN!
Submissions Close: June 8, 2025, 11:59pm
Notification to Artists: July 3, 2025
Drop-Off Dates: Monday, July 28, 2025 - 4pm to 6pm; Tuesday, July 29, 2025 - 10am - 6pm
Reception: Mid-August, Date/Time TBA
Pick-Up Date: Friday, September 12, 2025 - 10am - 2pm
To create artistic works that capture the essence and aesthetics of life in Wisconsin.
Entry Fees:
Artists may enter up to 3 pieces:
$35 for the first entry ($30 for WAA members)
$17.50 for each additional entry ($15 for WAA members)
Entry fees are non-refundable. However, if for any reason the exhibition cannot take place, all entry fees will be refunded.
First Place Award: $ 1,000
Second Place Award: $ 500
Third Place Award: $ 250
Public Choice Award Certificate
Honorable Mention Certificates
Artists do NOT need to be residents of Wisconsin to participate.
Open to all artists working in the 2D mediums of watercolor, acrylic, oil, colored pencil, pencil, pastel, charcoal, graphite, mixed media, or collage. Not accepted: 3D work, photography, and digital images are excluded from this exhibition.
Artwork must be entirely the original work of the entrant. Class work, or work done under supervision is not allowed. No copies or likenesses of another artist’s work including published source or reference work not attributable to the artist will be accepted. No kits, molds, or pre-stamped patterns will be accepted. No work generated or assisted by AI (artificial intelligence) may be submitted to the exhibition.
Submitted work must be suitable for a general audience that includes individuals of all ages. Artwork that is overtly sexual, racist, violent, libelous, slanderous, demoralizing, or discriminatory in nature will not be accepted.
Entry Information:
This is a juried acceptance exhibition with both salon (physical) and electronic presentations. All accepted works will be displayed in an online exhibition and in a free, commemorative PDF catalog. All works accepted for the salon exhibition will be considered for cash awards and be displayed physically in either WAA’s Cultural Arts Center Gallery or at Roberta’s Art Gallery (addresses listed above).
Artwork displayed in the salon exhibition must remain there for the duration of the show. No replacements or substitutions will be permitted. Artwork may not be picked up prior to the closing of the exhibition.
Staff will do their best to notify those with incorrectly submitted entries, but it is the responsibility of the artist to submit correctly and on time.
No changes may be made after the submission deadline.
Whitewater Arts Alliance and Roberta’s Art Gallery will make all curatorial decisions and reserve the right to refrain from displaying, or to display separately, artwork deemed to be inappropriate for their respective websites or public gallery spaces. The respective galleries reserve the right to remove any work of art from public exhibition at any time for any reason.
Submitted work must have been completed in the last three years and not been exhibited previously in a Whitewater Arts Alliance or Roberta’s Art Gallery gallery space. No work previously exhibited in this exhibition may be submitted.
Maximum overall size of work: 36” in either direction (width or height), including frame.
Minimum image size: 140 square inches, not including mat/frame.
All work must be ready to install with wire hanger. It is recommended that works on paper be framed with glazing (glass or acrylic). Neither gallery is responsible for pieces that are damaged due to improper hanging hardware or poor craftsmanship.
Artwork must be labeled with the artist’s name, the artwork title, the year created, whether the artwork is for sale, and the selling price.
Commission on Sales:
Work may or may not be for sale to be eligible for the exhibition. WAA will make every effort to encourage the sale of work available for purchase. In the event of a sale, the WAA Commission Policy for sales applies for work displayed in either gallery. The WAA retains 30% of sale from WAA members and 40% of sale from non-members. WAA collects and submits sales taxes.
Entry Process:
1) You will need photographs of your artwork to complete a submission. These photographs must be representative of your artwork and will be uploaded during the submission process; they will be used by the jurors to make their decisions.
Submissions will be made through ArtCall. Follow the link from the WAA website to ArtCall to begin the submission process. New users will be required to create an ArtCall profile with user login and password. Existing ArtCall users need only login and follow the process for a new submission.
The preferred method of payment is through a credit card on the ArtCall site (using Stripe). Checks will be accepted if you enter the Promo Code "PayOffline" which will allow you to make your entry without entering payment. After you make the submission, mail your check to: Whitewater Arts Alliance, PO Box 311, Whitewater, WI 53190. You may also make payment in-person at the WAA Cultural Arts Center Gallery at 402 W. Main Street, Whitewater, WI during gallery open hours.
If payment is not received within 7 days of entry, the submissions will not be included in the jurying process.
2) Watch for Acceptance Email by the Date Listed Above. If the acceptance(s) is(are) for the Salon Exhibition, included in the acceptance notification will be the gallery assignment and delivery instructions.
3) Deliver Accepted for Salon Artwork to the assigned gallery during the listed times. Refer to “Delivery of Artwork” below for further information.
4) Pick up unsold artwork during the listed times. Refer to “Pick-Up of Artwork” below for further information.
Digital Image Specifications and Usage:
Artist retains full copyright. The jury panel will use the submitted digital photograph of each respective artwork to make its acceptance decisions. By submitting an entry, artist grants permission to the use of these images in the electronic exhibition, the commemorative PDF catalog, and for WAA’s use in marketing and promotion. WAA reserves the right to photograph and create videos of artwork in the exhibition and utilize it for marketing and publicity purposes.
Photographs of the artwork must be in JPEG format, with at least 1920 pixels on the longer side and a maximum file size of 5 MB. Submissions with incorrectly formatted images may be rejected. Photographs must accurately represent the artwork or the artwork may be rejected upon delivery.
Delivery of Artwork:
Detailed delivery instructions, gallery assignments, and free parking instructions will be provided to artists with work accepted to the Salon exhibition. Artists with multiple salon acceptances will have their work assigned to the same gallery. Those works are to be delivered to the respective gallery during the dates/times listed above or by arrangement. The work will be displayed in one of two galleries, WAA’s Cultural Arts Center (CAC) Gallery in downtown Whitewater or at Roberta’s Art Gallery on the UW-Whitewater Campus.
Accepted salon artists are welcome to ship work via UPS, FedEx, or USPS, provided that prior arrangements have been made with the Exhibit Chair and that the work arrives prior to the artwork drop off dates/times listed above. DO NOT ship artwork to either gallery address because staff will not be on-site to receive it – shipping address and instructions will be provided by the Exhibit Chair. Shipments should be labeled “WAA Paint Wisconsin Exhibition” and shipped to the address that will be provided by the Exhibit Chair.
Shipments of artwork are at the artist’s expense and must include a prepaid return shipping label. Whitewater Arts Alliance will not be held responsible for shipping-related damage or loss.
A Gallery Agreement will need to be signed upon delivery of artwork, or mailed with artwork if being shipped.
Pick-Up of Artwork:
Unsold works in the salon exhibit are to be picked up at the same gallery to which they were delivered during the dates/times listed above or by arrangement.
Artists unable to pick up their own work should provide written permission for the person picking up their work. Artwork will not be released without a copy of the delivery receipt with the artist’s signature, or a note of authorization signed by the artist. Email correspondence from the artist to Exhibit Chair may serve as notification.
Artwork not picked up on the specified dates or at a pre-arranged alternate date will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of at WAA’s discretion.
Consent & Release:
Artist maintains full copyright to their work and to photographs of their work. Artist grants the Whitewater Arts Alliance (WAA) permission to use the photographs for WAA promotional and educational purposes, to display the photographs on WAA’s website in an online virtual show, to include them in a downloadable PDF exhibition catalog (if produced), and to include them in a printed exhibition catalog (if produced).
I understand that, while all reasonable and possible care will be taken, neither Whitewater Arts Alliance nor Roberta’s Art Gallery do not assume responsibility for physical damage to or loss of my work. I further understand that the WAA recommends that each artist arrange for insurance coverage on artist’s own work at artist’s own expense. I understand that work left 30 days past the pickup deadline becomes property of WAA.
By submitting this electronic entry or paper entry form to the Whitewater Arts Alliance (WAA), I certify that the completed work is entirely my own. Further, I have read and agree to all the terms, conditions, and rules of the 1st Annual Paint Wisconsin Juried Exhibition: A Tribute to Marilyn Fuerstenberg which are listed above.
Clicking the button below will open a window at the ArtCall website where you may begin the submission process.
Whitewater Arts Alliance, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization based in Whitewater, Wisconsin. For more information, please visit whitewaterarts.org
“Celebrating the Arts and Creating Community!”
Terms & Conditions (Prospectus): Download PDF
Poster: Download PDF