Select pieces from the 2018 Public Art Project, Windows on Whitewater.
It may surprise you to learn there’s a tour guide in your pocket. Using the same technology as the popular search game Pokemon Go, the StriveOn app utilizes the GPS on your smartphone and directs users to nearby points of interest.
StriveOn believes that every place has a story, and the StriveOn app helps you interact with the people, places and things in the story. It makes communities, and the stories they have, come alive through an interactive experience, and allows you to share your part of the story with friends.
StriveOn is currently working with Whitewater Tourism to promote all the great experiences in
the area and bring them to life. Download the StriveOn app to learn more about the Light Pole Art entries. See how they were created and learn a little about the artist and what inspired them to create their work. To get to the StriveOn app:
Apple Products:
Android Products: id=com.ssi.striveon
Thank you to Bill Bowen for sharing this great information with the WAA and Whitewater!