Fran Achen Juried Photography Exhibit
Viewer Choice Ballot
As you peruse the digital show gallery, please write down the title of your favorite photos along with the names of their respective artists to enter on this page. You may vote for up to 3 photos. The piece with the most votes will be awarded the Viewer’s Choice Award.
Please view and enjoy the virtual show as often as you like. After you have viewed the virtual show, please cast votes for up to three of your favorite photographs. You are free to vote after every time you visit the virtual show. We do ask that no more than a single ballot of three be cast by each person on each visit. Unfortunately, the following needs to be said: repeatedly casting identical ballots in close succession (a few seconds apart) or in an automated way is outside the bounds of fair play, however, and we will disqualify any ballots that are obvious "spam".